Get the Capacity of a Data Team in one Platform

Instantly collect, transform, unify, and analyze your data like a pro with a Data Intelligence Platform that handles the heavy lifting, freeing you to focus on what truly matters.

Trusted by 1,000+ business users monthly

Data Intelligence at your fingertips

Unlock the full potential of your data with Lynk Me

Our intuitive, user-friendly data intelligence platform simplifies collecting, transforming, unifying, and analyzing data from any source. Gain actionable insights in a flash, empowering you to make better decisions, and increase revenue faster.


Connect and bring together your data from all of your different sources into one hub.


Clean and convert your raw data into easy to use formats for analysis.


Unify different sources or formats to get one holistic view of your data.


Quickly gain insights from your data with our AI-powered analysis and visualization tools.

Our results in numbers


Faster Data Insights

We've slashed the time it takes to extract valuable insights from data, going from hours to minutes.


Data Processed

Last year we handled data that created more than US$200M for our clients.


Year 1 ROI

An average implementation of our platform pays for itself in under 4 months

Your new

AI-powered Data Intelligence Platform

Management insights

Get a simple score card or data for existing management dashboards

Easy Integrations

Save developer time with off the shelf connectors for easy data management

AI adapted to you

Our AI builds workflows, gets meaning from data, and drafts your reports

Interoperable data

Break down data siloes and make your data work for you, long term

Still spending time searching for the right data?

Get ready for a better way to find what you need and get answers quickly.

What did they say?

A few words from those who see and feel the impact of working with us to unify data and automate processes.

Get in touch

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit Iaculis luctus nunc vitae etiam amet purus egestas vestibulum.”

Marlon Cooper
CEO, Symptai Consulting
John Carter - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

“Ultrices eros in cursus turpis massa tincidunt sem nulla pharetra diam sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing at risu.”

Person at Guardian
VP, Guardian Life Insurance
Sophie Moore - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
easy all in one

Solution to Dirty Data

Unlimited Seats

Scale your team without worrying about licensing costs, using your existing user management tools

Unlimited Connectors

Unify all your data for a complete view of your business and a clean pipeline to feed your existing systems of record

Unlimited Insights

Get as many insights from your data as you want, without being asked to buy more tokens

Learn how unified data drives faster growth